
Computer Files


In 1994, I wrote a Linux CLI tool to play audio CDs. It has since been updated and improved by many others, and is still distributed with current Ubuntu releases.

Additional Downloads

The base 2.1.8 release from Max Vozeler:

Version 2.1.5 updated by Sven Oliver Moll and then Wade Hampton, including all sorts of fancy stuff like CDDB support:

Bruce M. Simpson (bsimpson@mcs.dundee.ac.uk) has kindly supplied patches to cdtool-2.1.5 for use with Solaris 2.5 and newer:

and for OpenBSD:

For users of Linux 2.3, Jaakko Hyvatti provided the following patch:

Josh Buhl’s patches to add a cdclose command to reverse the effects of cdeject.

My original release: